Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Brent Farve Scandal

Finally time to address this.

During the election, ASAP's opponents Jared Bierbach and Shawn Matson pulled me into their office and attempted to blackmail me.

They claimed several people had come to them regarding emails I sent allegedly over my UWM Pantherlink account and were ready to file formal complaints against me not just within the University, but in civil court or something. The pair had a letter written by a lawyer saying what I did was illegal, and that they would press charges against me unless I stepped down from the running.

What did they allege?

That I sent out a picture of my penis to several people.

This was surprising. I did not and still don't remember ever sending a penis pic to anyone. And that strikes me as something that would stand out in memory. But I'd like to point out several issues with my opponents' tactic, as it's becoming relevant again.

First, the assumption is I'd be ashamed of having knowledge of this get out. That I'd want it hidden. Truth is, I wouldn't care. I've already told just about everyone I know about this issue, much to Rick's chagrin.

Second, I do not recall ever send out any pics. I do not believe I did. This is why I called Jared's bluff during the election. So I say this to them now:

Release the picture. You claim to have the evidence. Show me. In fact, why didn't you make it public after I didn't drop out of the race? Makes ya wonder.

Third, using UWM email to distribute pornographic images is not illegal. The Fair Use Policy of the University does not allow for it, but it also doesn't allow anyone using the UWM network to look up porn either. Including the people in the dorms.

The charges my opponents brought up were not against me sending the images, but rather about me allegedly violating the Fair Use Policy. No sexual harassment charges. Just violating a commonly-violated policy.

Shame on me.

Fourth, and maybe most importantly, my opponents are trying to make an issue of the fact that one of the people that apparently approached them was male. They seem to think this would be a bigger issue if it got out I had sent a penis picture to a guy.

In the 21st century, should it matter? If you do care, you're probably a homophobe. Go see a therapist. I'll see whom I want.

My opponents are trying to make a big deal out of the nonexistent picture because they see it as a moral issue. They see this sexual behavior as dangerous and corrupting because it involved a member of the same sex and took place, according to them, on a University-owned email server.

But we're at college. If the Post were to write a story on an SA member possibly sending a penis pic to someone, they would have to run it across from an article about dildos.

The matter does not affect or concern my behavior as an SA official in any way, and if a pic was sent, it could have only been conceivably sent long before I was a member of the SA and does not concern any SA-related business.

My opponents' allegations are an unabashed attempt to delegitimize me based solely on unfounded accusations and sexual preferences. Furthermore, it has nothing to do with the current issue of the College Republicans not receiving as much money as the chair would like.

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